minyan history

Cambridge Minyan traces its roots back to a Shabbat morning service held on August 16th, 2003 (Parashat Eikev), with some 35 people in attendance. This led to several more Shabbat morning services over the following months, plus monthly Friday night services (usually at Dudley House in conjuction with Harvard Hillel's community Shabbat dinners). The following fall, the minyan was re-organized as the Cambridge Minyan, and began meeting more frequently on Friday nights at Peabody Terrace.

Holidays: In the spring of 2005 the minyan met for Purim, holding services and a megillah reading, followed by a Purim party held jointly with Minyan Tehillah. A few weeks later we held our first Friday night potluck, on the Shabbat before Pesah. Over the summer, the minyan helped organize a large Shavuot dinner to kick off a night of learning at the Tremont Street shul, which culminated in morning minyan at 5 am (attended by thirty sleep-deprived individuals). We met again the following morning (at a more leisurely 9:15 am) for Shavuot davening, the reading of Megillat Ruth, and Yizkor.

Learning: In another event co-sponsored with Tremont Street (TBS), we organized seudah shelishit (the third meal of Shabbat) on a weekend in July with guest teacher Aaron Dorfman, to raise awareness of the plight of Darfur, and study Jewish texts about the obligation to help. For Tisha b'Av, we met jointly with Harvard Hillel's SCM for evening services and a reading of Eicha, and the following day we joined the TBS egal minyan for morning and afternoon services, teaching led by Jonah Steinberg, and a potluck breakfast. Our final holiday program of the season was selichot services on the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah, with teaching from Ben Shalva.

More davening: Congregation Eitz Chayim welcomed us as a new minyan running Shabbat morning services there starting in the fall of 2005 on Shabbat hol haMoed Sukkot, with a reading of Kohelet, teaching from Or Rose, and a potluck meal in the sukkah. We have been meeting on the second Shabbat morning of every month since then, in addition to Friday night potlucks, a Hanukkah party, Purim, and more. For upcoming events, click the links on the side of the page.